Wednesday, October 20, 2004

You have the right to remain silent. Really? That's so thoughtful of you.

Put your hands where I can see them...

That exact phrase rang thru my head a million times last night as i was stranded on east colonial waiting for some sort of assistance. I anticpated the moment when a cop would pull up, take a look at what i was wearing, and where i was and mutter to himself "what the fuck?" and follow it up with, "put your hands where i can see them" as if they were controlled seperate from myself. It was a fucked up evening, no doubt about that, but it was one hell of a sign. One has alot of time to reflect when given the right circumstance. Late at night, in the rain, wearing makeup, upset from being yelled at by your ex-gf, and wondering how "she" is... not the all-star cast, or lineup i was looking for, but they should made it quite accurate of a portrayal. If last night was an olympic event, my team would have been disqaulified...but the Russians would have given us a 8.9 for effort. It was quite an evening, amazing to say the least but, I needed more than amazing. I need divine intervention. I've been on dates with Divine, we've shared milshakes in the diner, walks in the park, even makeout sessions til dawn but nothing has woken me up. Right now Im on a self motivated run, and stopping to take no prisioners. I want to take someone with me but with my luck she'll use me for a ride, ditch me and i'll be back on the expressway alone and singing to myself. Its time for me to be the hitchiker, and not the driver. I'm taking the risk, and leaving my transportation where it is. I've openned walked out of my truck, and left the door wide open. My head lights begin to fade behind me, and its now just one single light miles behind. I extend my arm out, and raise my thumb. I check back once more to see if i'll puss out..but i don't. I'm now on my journey, and waiting for my release from solitutde. Head lights appear from the distance, and a car begins to slow down. A young lady rolls down her window and says... "wah you want a awhhawahhh ride wahh" Everything she says comes out sounds like a peanuts cartoon. I laugh to myself in a nervous manner, and try to think of something witty, but all I can mutter is, No Thanks. For the second the words leave my mouth, I regret every second of not knowing who she was, where she's going, and where I could be. I'm fucking tried of that. I don't want to be the one driving, I want to be enjoying the ride with a girl who gets me, and i want to see the other drifters embarking on their journey hoping to find their very own passneger seat.

Below is a Death Cab for Cutie lyric...dig it.

when you feel embarrassed then i'll be your pride,
when you need directions then i'll be the guide
from the passenger seat as you are driving me home.

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