Wednesday, October 13, 2004

We've been in the same shoes, and they smell a bit like confused.

A friend recently wrote a blog containing doubt...this is my similar post, although i wrote this almost 6 years ago. Dig it.

It's truly amazing what can happen in one day . Today I realized that everyone has a purpose, Unfortunately I'm still puzzled on what mine is. Why is it that most stars becime famous and forget everything and everyone but themselves? I had an experience today at auditions... I was finally introduced to the real world. Althought my traytables were in the upright and locked postition something was odd. For the first real time, I doubted myself. Maybe i'm not on earth to be a famous star, maybe I'm just an average joe who's fooling himself into thinking he can make it. Now I just wish I'd do a better job on convincing myself. Instead of covering myself with "acting" to hide my emotions and just be myself. Isn't that whats more important in life, being you ? Or is it having the millions of dollars? It's kinda funny how life works out, instead of kicking you in the ass, life says " I'll be nice" and gives you a nice shove sending you ofcourse and offschedule. I could spend foreverand try my hardest to find the "meaning of it all." How do you know when you reached your hardest, and what i've you reached it with no answer. Well, with answer in hand, or with nothing I'm making my proclimation. The odds are impossible, and I'm not voiceless in a crowd. One statement will remind me daily of what I'm here for. That statement should be read aloud in an embarrassing way. It is: I believe that reality is a sublime comedy staged for the education and amusement, and that there is a benevolent conspiracy to liberate me from my ignorance and help transform me into the unique masterpiece I was born to be.

I couldn't agree more with the statement now, than i did then.

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