Friday, October 15, 2004

Reach down your hand in your pocket, and pull out some hope for me

It's nice to see that applying yourself is still an effective way to show people what you're made of. So i found out I got cast in Bay Streets production of 1940's radio hour, which is pretty f-ing awesome. You can check out the cast list at . It's kinda funny though, all throughout high school i despised musicals, and i'm not sure why. Maybe it was the amount of people in the cast, or the fact that our directors didn't have a clue, but that was about 6 or 7 years ago and things have changed for the better. I have also changed, for the alot better. (hey it's my f-ing blog, I can type shit like that) I'm better at reading people, and allowing them to read me. Here comes the Rocky update. The show is going well, but the bitching has increased and my patience are wearing thin. The best analogy I can make for this situation follows: "If this show were a lumber company, would you hire plumbers to cut the wood? I think not." That's how I feel right now. I'm bothered that some people would rather moan and groan about thier involvment instead of placing the show first. Big No No number 1. This is Rocky Horror Show, not can I have more time to do...whatever it is that I do. Wish is very questionable. My other favorite topic on hand, is that some people actually consider themselves actors, or entertainers. (cue the jeopardy style music and buzzers) BZZZZ, oh I'm sorry the correct answer was No, No you are not. You may share the stage, but I' ve earned it, along with many others. The building of deatailed sets, late night rehersals, and most importantly the effort. I have the drive, and will...something a few lack, and I'm sorry for that but you can't just be given it. With that having been said, I'm going out to have breakfast with the family.
be good . be safe, and always smile.

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