Wednesday, March 02, 2005

When you break the rules...Look for some elmers glue and stop crying.

Here are two of the most important writings I've ever come up with.

The first, is a monologue I wrote about my father. It's a shame I've grown up faster than him.

It'll be 3 years in November since it happened.

Most families enjoy thanksgiving for the food, and the Macy's parade... mine always did. Every year my sister would run around the house shouting absurd commentary about parade floats, and mom and I would cook pretending to be these famous chefs preparing a dinner for royalty.
The day before my father had flown to NY, to be with his new girlfriend. You need to know that my parents had divorced a few weeks before. I wasn't upset for his actions... I was so shocked that I didn't allow for much emotion or reaction.

I had this feeling in my gut ... So I called him. I asked him how he was, and soon dropped the fake voice. I wanted to tell him that I missed him, but I only managed to get out "you're missing out on your job. He'd walk around the house in his underwear and do nothing the entire day, except on thanksgiving, he carved the turkey. I told him, Dad, you're suppose to be home to carve the bird...and before I could get another word out, I heard him laughing. The rest of the conversation was meaningless from then on.

I found myself with a set of knives in my hand carving a turkey. It was then I realized what it took to be a man. It wasn't money, or muscles or anything like that. It was family.


One statement will remind me daily of what I'm here for. That statement should be read aloud in an embarrassing way. It is-I believe that reality is a sublime comedy staged for the education and amusement, and that there is a benevolent conspiracy to liberate me from my ignorance and help transform me into the unique masterpiece I was born to be.


I feel like I'm older than I really am, on a regular basis and I can't complain.
I know what I want.
I want a smile, killer eyes, brains, humor, and intrigue.

"I've always fallen fast, with too much trust in the promising" -DCFC

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