Thursday, March 10, 2005

" life, it's already known, or it's finally irrelevant.."

...trying no longer helps, only doing.

I can't even express the vibes i've been recieving from this show... I'm acting like..(to myself)..that this is my first time being onstage because I'm so happy to be performing at as BFA major at UCF. I guess it's because some of the other kids in the program have taken the title for granted,and they haven't had the experience I've gained in the last 3 months. I'm sharing the stage with fellow undergraduate students, and a few graduate students...and the people who have come to see the show, can't tellthe difference. That means i'm holding my own...and I'm so proud. I mean, my friends who are like my family, are behind me 100% and i couldn't be more thankful. Thats probably why I keep a select few people close to me. For myself, all the hardwork that I've put into it, is really starting to payoff. Maybe not starting, but maybe it's paid off, and I haven't realized it til now. Larry and his wife came out to see the show, and they left a great comment on my previous entry. It was great to work with him in "1940's" and even better to see him and his wife have a good time at the theatre. I think its great that we as actors, can also be audience members, and friends, all at the same time. I hope I get another chance to work with him in the future,from what i hear he's a great writer, and with the jokes that we tossed around...I'm sure of it. I think pops and lou need a card game reunion, so if he could write something along those lines, it'd be great.

Your honesty, and friendship means the world to me. Thank you all.


LuLu said...


It was great to see you the other day. I wish I could cross over to see your show ... it would be great to see you do up there, doing what you love. Congratulations on everything. Can't wait to see what's coming up next.

Anonymous said...

As one of the few people you probably associate with who has no concept of the acting world (and no relation to the college world to boot), I must say that your performance, your attitude, your energy and your maturity are awe inspiring. I did not attend your show expecting to be impressed, but I was. You should be proud of your talent and it makes me happy that you are. Congrats again on being a success.