Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Ground Control to Major Tom...

Ok, so i said things would be different for 2005, and so far they are.

Here's a cliffnotes breakdown of whats happening.
-I'm moving out ...
-Not drinking soda, or sugar filled drinks (life is boring with crystal light tea and water but healthy...er)
-Becoming Bolder
-Realizing that some friends are assholes (so you don't have to be)

Here's some common knowledge things i've realized about me.
-I bite my lipWhen i'm nervous.
-I always look people in the eyes.
-I make jokes to get around a point.
-I make jokes to get a point across.
-I own a shirt that says "I heart strippers," and I would never go into a strip club.
-I wear clothing without labels.
-I never wear a watch.
-I listen to alot of acoustic music
-I miss playing music
-I never sleep enough
-I get testy when others ask common sense questions
-I make others smile, on the grounds of sacrificing me.
-I don't wear rings
-I own 2 crosses, and I dont go to church regularly
-I love adults acting like kids in public...who have kids.
-I strive to be a soccer mom...well, more like a litte league coach.
-I want to be the dad that shows his kid how to ride a bike.
-I act stupid infront of some people so they purposely get the wrong idea about me.
-I look away from someone when attracted to them...Only to look right back seconds later.
-I'm in love with Death Cab for Cutie...and one day I'll find a chick who is too.
-I try to hook people on bands they've never heard of , but I dig.
-I value the statement, Family is Forever
-I like to sit out, and stare at orions belt nightly.
-I want someone older than myself to be interested in me.
-Most of all, I strive to be picked first.

Well, thats a small version..

"Rest Assure, and wait today I'm coming at you with everything"
-song a wrote a long time ago


LuLu said...

Hmmm... well, Alyson's friends tend to congregate strange places, so maybe we have met before. Not sure.

Question: if you make jokes to avoid AND make points, are you forever making jokes? And when you're making jokes, can you tell what you're doing while you're doing it, or do you have post-epiphanies?

Alyson said...

Ah, LuLu. Isn't she remarkable? Don't you love her?

Average Hero said...

I am forever making jokes, or atleast trying to. I do recognize when i'm doing it, and more often than not i do have post-epiphanies.

By the Way lulu...does this sound familar?

"most viligant scareactor"

LuLu said...

haha now THAT is funny... 10-4 good buddy.