Thursday, December 30, 2004

So this is it, its finally time to retire while still in style, so farewell 2004...

... this superhero is hanging up his cape. If you need me, I'll just be plain old Clark Kent.

I've decided for 2005 i might need to put the cape back on for one last spin, for me. I look at things a bit differently and i'm thankful for it. I've spent alot of time surround by what i thought was something else, but just turned out to be bullshit.

I'm only 21, and i make mistakes, but some people have had alot of time to work on this and they're are not doing well for themselves...a bit dissapointing. It's good to know that everyone elses standards don't apply to the individual, i applause that, and at the same time i fear it.

Things to Accomplish in 2005:

-I don't have to meet anyone standards for me, except me. i will however not fall lower that society standards for me, only excede it

-I am a person first and foremost, and an actor second.

-Realize that practice makes perfect, and those around you aren't.

-Realize that fortune favors the bold, but earning something tastes sweeter.

-Know that I am only one person, and the needs of many isn't my concern.

-Find someone who understands what I do, and allow me to love them. Not Like, Not Dig, or even get mushy over a little. Love them. Even if I can't be with her, I want to be able to Love her.

"I thought you were something special, but you're not even a good person" -A quote from a homeless man to me


Greyjoy said...

To totally steal a bit of advice that Jeff gave me when I was dealing with some awful stuff:

'Let Them Catch Up To You'

And here's a little bit from Ray Bradbury:

'Run Fast. Stand Still.'

2005 is going to be great for you.
And, I , for one, am glad to call you my friend.
Peace out, brother.

Alyson said...

Then a happy and balanced New Year, Clark Kent, or whomever you may be. It's good to know you.