Thursday, December 23, 2004

Glitch in the Matrix

I fucking hate AOL.. I pay for a service that constantly pisses me off, how lucky am I?
I had written a nice long blog, but because I got kicked off before I could save it..i got fucked.

Now on to the real stuff.

Thank ____ <--Insert historical figure

I'm so thankful for friends, especially ones that can relate to the bullshit we all have to go thru. I'm glad i have friends that realize and understand it. Hmm, maybe not understand, but they recognize it exists. If josh is starting to sound a bit like me on his post, then this is my confession to sounding like him.

There's walls around me, but the aren't closing in. WTF? They're are instead falling apart. A bright light appears on the other side and seems to be of interest to me. Wait! Is this something i've always wanted, or feared my entire life ? The only phrase i manage to mutter is "I have a bad feeling about this" but don't all success stories start with something similar. probably fucking not.

There's that section. Now onto something happier.

I had Thai for the first time yesterday for lunch, it was amazing.
Calamari and Basil rice. It was fucking rad. Now if i can find someone with similar interests i'll be set.

Things i can NO longer do
-entertain the opposite sex
-date another fucking vegetarian (nothing against em' just not for me)
-be bold. er..umm... be bolder .
-be a pussy, come on todd, 2005 is asking for you.

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