Sunday, December 05, 2004

you make that expression, and everything else is night.

I'm an asshole. Yes thats right, i've admitted to it.
So, I'm also a really really good actor. If you don't believe me, just ask anyone of my ex's...I'm sure they're all behind me one this one.

I've gained yet another reason to maintain my virginity...It's all about me...fucking deal with it (that seems to be the only thought running in my head)

When I get to the the gates of, wherever I end up...God (In my mind he's Chistopher Walken ) , or the Devil, is going to ask me one thing.

"Was it worth it kid?"
I want to be able to respnd with "Damn right. "


At this point in my life...IT IS ABOUT ME
I'm not selfish I'm concerned with me right now..DO NOT CONFUSE IT

I'm an asshole.

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