Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Reality vs Apperance..why does that ring true ?

What an amazing day i've had.

Here's the deal.
I've said a whole 12 words today, all of which made sense to me, and somehow nothing to anyone else. Its amazing how some people think they're educated and when they speak lose all credibility. We had a discussion today in class about religion, one of my favorite fucking topics. hence the sarcasm. Is it really that hard to differenciate between opinion and fact? I chose to believe what i want, but when you force your belief upon me, you've crossed the line pal, and i fucking hate that. I didnt bite my toungue today though, i just didn't really have anything to say. I'm tired of trying to validate myself, the things i do or say, so instead i've learned to keep my mouth shut. yes, you heard that right folks I've learned to take one for the team. Ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach, where you feel like shit? I had it today, for an hour and twenty minutes in class and it almost become unbarable. its bad enough i'm probably overreacting about some things, but when others in class reinforce that idea (feeling in stomach) it only makes things worse.

Really fucking Swell !

Thats how things are.

1940's is rad. I'm glad i'm not the weakest link. really. i can't put into words how thrilled i am not to drag others down. now, in the words of jack black.."let's rock, let's rock"

1 comment:

Alyson said...

'Bout damn time.