Saturday, May 28, 2005

Coming to you Live from the middle of nowhere ...

Ok, so i didn't post like i said I would before I left... but I'm posting while I'm here, which I wasn't planning on doing . Here's what I can tell you...

I live in the paper street soap co. house from fight club... really.
I have learned to bather...with is a bath and shower combined.
I have a stove and a sink in my "bedroom", a gas stove.
I stay up as late as I can, so when I go to bed I pass right out.
I'm living on water and bagged cereal.
I have yet to find a place to do laundry.
I'm currently in the public library which has 7 computers... all from 1990
I'm ready to go home, and back to somewhere that doesn't still think Nixon is president.
The only thing keeping me here in my love for theatre, family guy dvd nights, and the frequent jam sessions that take place in the house.

Just wanted to say that I miss everyone back in the real world, and I hope to see you all real soon. really.

Monday, May 23, 2005

What is it you think I can do for you ? Be Honest and Ask Me.

So, this is my 2nd to the last post for quite sometime. Expect a bit more before I leave.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Good News... I saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance, and the doctor didn't kill me.

Ok, Quick update.

Just wanted to let everyone know that surgery was successful. It took 4 hours instead of the 1, and was alot more detailed than expected. The doctor told my parents that the growth had enzymes that were about to eat away at a bone connected to my brain, but lucky the surgery was in time. This is coming from the same doctor that wanted to postpone surgery, and put me on more meds to see if that'd help. Good thing we all listened to Todd on this one. I'm making great progress, I'm eating and chewing solid foods, and walking around to keep me going. Look out world, you only kept me down for one day, I'm back and ready for action... well, almost.

This is a pic of me as a child. yes, thats really me.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Something to make me smile.

I'm about to leave for the hospital, but I wanted to post a picture. Good times, Good times.
I'm on the top platform (in case you couldn't tell)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

"Average Hero Saves the day, but know one knows who he is"

Someone at UCF once told me why it is I'm so persistant, determined and focused. "Oh, I know why you do so much in the department, it's because you're new. Once you get to be where I am, you'll stop"

You know what I have to say to that...
Fuck You.

This is my career I'm working for not a grade. I strive to become successful which means I'll do what it takes to achieve greatness. I don't get a second chance at this life, so why should I sit back and wait... I won't.

Whew, on to the good things.

I've been hired to be one of the brothers in the production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in Missouri with the City of Maples Repetory Theatre. I'll be there from May 24-July 18 (which happens to be my 22nd birthday) and then I'll be back in florida to get ready for the fall semester.

Surgery is Thursday, and I'm ready for it. In, Out and Cured... right? Damn right.

Good things come to those who pursue.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

White boys can't jump? I disagree.

It's about time I post an awesome pic.

Hell Yeah.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Bond...Jermiah Bond. Nope, Doesn't have the same touch.

Why do I always look so serious when I take pictures?
I'm in training to be a secret agent... or not.

Leave me some comments...
I'm on myspace also,

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Blast from my own Past. Part I

I wrote this when I was 17. It's shocking.

When you wake in the morning, what thought crosses your mind? Is it the burning question of acceptance, well to me, it is. Not accpetance in society, but to someone even more important, myself.

So i ask myself, and you should also, who am I, and why?

It's funny, in this life we search for new and daring adventures, to enhance our lives, yet we forget to realize that what we've been doing daily is constant and isn't new. The only thing in the enitre world that will always stay the same is change. We use the word like one day we will wake up and we realize that everything we're used has dissapeared and we will soon be forced to fen for ourselves. I'm assuming that not only I feel this way, this is the reason people live with there parents after high school, not to mooch or live off them, but yet that we are scared that one day we will wake up, and nothin will make sense. So now i've come to the point in my life where i must decide, do i really know myself, or have I not only been fooling everyone else but also myself. We spend all our lives digging a pit of despair, and trying to fill that imagianry hole, and for what reason, to reassure ourselves, or make someone feel more confident in you ? Everyones got a special place they like to run and hide, a sanctuary the can express there deepest in. Mine is in the worst place of all within myself, and i need to change it, but its constant and will always stay the same.

So i ask myself, and you should also, where am I, and why am I there, and where will I be?