Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Mission Accomplished - Part I

Sorry I haven't written in a while but i've been busy with finals, and getting ready to move back home.

Finals are over.

I had my BFA review. I heard lots of great things. I have excellent Leadership and the Attitude to go with it. My professors are glad to have me in class. Fucking Rad.

The only criticism I recieved is that I need to work on taking direction better. Done. I have all summer to work on that, and I will.

I have the theatre banquet on friday evenin' and I'm excited to hang out with my kinda people. This will be the last time I see them until the fall semester. things will be a bit different then. Promise.

Saturday I'm working tech at the Wyndham Orland Resort on I-drive. I applied for the chance to work with some big people around town on this FAME banquet, and I got in. It's going to be quite an experience, it's load-in, set-up, rehearse, run show, strike and load-out all in the same day. Holy Poop... This should be fun.

I started 2005 with the theme for "living in the now" and I think i've surpassed that. I've lived in the now, and even more.

I've become a better person day by day. I've made somethings better with people, because conflict isn't healthy. I'm not perfect and I don't strive to be something I'm not... but I need to be the best Todd Justin Davis I can be.

On that note, the theme for the rest of the year is..
Take a chance... be yourself... make a connection.

1 comment:

Alyson said...

Making a connection would be nice...when are we getting that coffee?