Monday, November 22, 2004

Two Decades of Confusion

I'm an actor, I tell myself that daily. I'm not sure really sure of what it means though. Do i have an identity crisis, or do I just like protraying others for a living? Maybe in another life I was an informant for the FBI or CIA and in this life, I wanted to revisit it.

MORE AFTER CLASS...around 1pm

If life were like the matrix, and I wasn't aware of what was really going on, what job do you think I'd have?
Please answer that in the comment section with whatever answer you'd like.

1 comment:

Greyjoy said...

If life were really The Matrix...I think the program would probably have you doing something salesman....lightening rod salesman...or maybe a carnival barker, you know, "Step right up folks and see Little Egypt doe the famous Dance Of The Pyramids: she walks, she talks, she crawls on her belly like a reptile!!! For one thin dime, one tenth of a dollar!!!!" That kind of thing, something where you could use your patter and gift for gab.