Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Mission Accomplished - Part I

Sorry I haven't written in a while but i've been busy with finals, and getting ready to move back home.

Finals are over.

I had my BFA review. I heard lots of great things. I have excellent Leadership and the Attitude to go with it. My professors are glad to have me in class. Fucking Rad.

The only criticism I recieved is that I need to work on taking direction better. Done. I have all summer to work on that, and I will.

I have the theatre banquet on friday evenin' and I'm excited to hang out with my kinda people. This will be the last time I see them until the fall semester. things will be a bit different then. Promise.

Saturday I'm working tech at the Wyndham Orland Resort on I-drive. I applied for the chance to work with some big people around town on this FAME banquet, and I got in. It's going to be quite an experience, it's load-in, set-up, rehearse, run show, strike and load-out all in the same day. Holy Poop... This should be fun.

I started 2005 with the theme for "living in the now" and I think i've surpassed that. I've lived in the now, and even more.

I've become a better person day by day. I've made somethings better with people, because conflict isn't healthy. I'm not perfect and I don't strive to be something I'm not... but I need to be the best Todd Justin Davis I can be.

On that note, the theme for the rest of the year is..
Take a chance... be yourself... make a connection.

Friday, April 15, 2005

If I wasn't such a wuss, I'd do what I wrote...

So, I've been writing a bit lately, and this was born from a conversation I had the evening before. It's a tragiclove lyric, and I'm not sure where it came from. It's so bittersweet in my opinion, and hopefully some people can relate.

"I've decided I'm going to drop out of college and just look for shit on the beach with a metal detector... I could wake up in a sleeping bag on the shore and have no care in the world, I mean I'll probably never leave your side, but atleast I'll always have that choice"

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Live by these fucking words...

There are no
bad experiences.
Sometimes we will make mistakes.
Occasionally, we will achieve greatness.
The only requirement is that we
live our life the way we want.

Something significant is missing in my life and I've not been able to place it.
But i'm living my life the way I want.
Guess thats the price for making my own decisions.

Friday, April 01, 2005

I'm not really nervous I'm in what I'd like to call, Negitive Anticipation.

Live on Pay-Per-View

Thursday. Thursday. Thursday.

May 19th.

I've never been a man of religion, but with each passing day, I find myself exploring the possiblities.
What a moment, huh ?
It's only when we're in need we look above, it's not when we have too much do we ask.