Monday, November 22, 2004

New & Improved: Now made with hope, so he "looks" like a hero

This post is suitable for anyone over the age of 18 days old
Be adivsed, I coat my writing with symbolism

I'm not really good with just pointing out the obvious, so instead I'll stick to the anaolgies anomous for making.

Cast of characters
Superman...and I'll let you in on a little secret....It's ME

Supporting Characters
Lois Lane
Jimmy Olson
Chief Perry

Guest Apperances
Still casting these roles on a daily basis (inquire within)

Everyweek Superman has various adventures, here's one of em.

Episode381 (Metropolis in Peril, again)

What a fucking surprise, I'm saving the city again. I awoke from what I thought was the end of doom, and found myself back to holding control of the entire city, right in the palm of my hand. This time my enemy stood right infront of me, and laid my options out infront of me. Here's the deal. While the enemy was staing out my options, my ADD kicked in and at the moment I was wondering if I turned the oven off. Why is it that when it matters most, i'm not where I should be, mentally that is. See, the reality was is that I knew the oven was off, but instead i found it more convient to stray away from what was important.

*Commercial Break*

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse... It does. If you're just tuning in, I'll refresh. Hero, Me...Problem... that seems to be it. Let's continue.

So i found myself back on the rooftop with my options infront of me.

- Save the city, and pursue being a hero. (lose the one you're with)

-Fuck the City, and be with the one you care for. (lose the world)

I could have saved myself the pain of sacrifice if I had just thought. For once, my actions are louder than words. So, where does that leave me? My dream, destiny, and love is being a hero, Whatever it costs to make that happen will be done. The conclusion to this episode isn't the greatest, but its reality in this hero's fable.

On a side note, I said something the other day that hurt. Not just to Lois Lane but also to myself. I told her that I was content with being by myself. Yes, that came out of my mouth. Major Fucking surprise. Really. Definately not something I'd normally say. But things aren't normal, and thats my reality.

Two Decades of Confusion

I'm an actor, I tell myself that daily. I'm not sure really sure of what it means though. Do i have an identity crisis, or do I just like protraying others for a living? Maybe in another life I was an informant for the FBI or CIA and in this life, I wanted to revisit it.

MORE AFTER CLASS...around 1pm

If life were like the matrix, and I wasn't aware of what was really going on, what job do you think I'd have?
Please answer that in the comment section with whatever answer you'd like.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Mistaken Identity or Falsely Accused ?

the stage is set.
lights turn up.
the sound of cheering breaks over the crowd.
pull back the curtain and out i go.
always fearing that certain "no."
i take my place among the cast.
never knowing if it'll last.
yet again i put on the face.
watching frantically as i pace.
this time it isn't the same.
i'm going crazy, far from sane.
i get stared down while i play.
pretending that everything's ok.
soon the curtain will far down...

and then my performance will not count.
it seems as though it never did.
that's all i got, that is fucking it.

I don't have a whole lot to write about. It seems the poetry bug has hit me. Inspiration at the most akward times. Go fucking figure.

Death Cab lyric-
My brain's repeating "if you've got an impulse let it out", But they never make it past my mouth.

Monday, November 08, 2004 back's up against the wall

The day's have been long and busy. School, work, shows, and rehearsals...

Monday, November 01, 2004

Vince Vaughn for President

Few words...
-I hate talking about politics.
-I hate when others invade my conversation, and turn it into politics.
-I really really hate, when others try to influence and decide my vote for me.
-Just get out and vote, period. I don't want to know who you're voting for and why.


...his vital signs are improving

Doomsday is near, and I'm left figthing on my own for the entire human race. Instead of worrying about winning or losing, I'm asking myself "why me, and why now?" At the moment I should be focused on being my strongest, I'm too busy worried about whether or not I'll be able to handle the responibility of saving the world. At my moment of weakness I am thrown off the top of the Daily Planet where I lie comfy in my asphault bed. Then it hits me, everyone has earned, or deserved what they have even if its better or worse then others, and it's not my responsibility to save em'. I didn't ask for these "super powers" but I sure have the option to control them. My savior complex, is no longer a complex, it was a state of mind. Now its the past, and a dim memory. Then I awake from my dream, to find I wasn't so super after all, I was a reporter parading around in a pair of tights, a size too small. For some, their hero is a man in tights. For me, my hero stares back at me everyday and I ask nothing of him.

I quote everclear. I will buy you a new life